
  • Mission
  • Sustainable Tourism

MED-Routes at the kick-off meeting of the Euro-MED Sustainable Tourism Community in Rome

On April 10th & 11th, MED-Routes was present at the kick-off meeting of the Euro-MED Sustainable Tourism Community at the Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma – UNINT (Rome, ITALY). During this meeting, the entire Interreg Euro-MED Sustainable Tourism Community was present, including Community4Tourism, Dialogue4Tourism, and the Thematic Projects along with the Interreg Euro-MED Joint Secretariat and other external experts and stakeholders.
The Thematic Community Project of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme – Community4Tourism (C4T) was launched in January 2023 for a seven-year period. It is a governance project that’s part of the Sustainable Tourism Mission of the Euro-MED programme,alongside the Institutional Dialogue Project – Dialogue4Tourism.
The Kick-off Meeting was not only the occasion to present MED-Routes to the Community. It was also an opportunity for our Project to start building connections and finding synergies. It also undoubtedly provided the space for sharing the plans and the strategies of the C4T project to support the MED-Routes project activities, as well as the transferring and capitalisation of its results.
Stay tuned for updates on how we’re shaping the future of sustainable tourism in the Euro-Mediterranean region!